March 20th brought us the first day of Spring. Here in the Northeast it doesn't feel like it yet, but the warm weather is coming soon. In our March box one of the products we included was a wildflower seed kit.
This kit covers an area of 150 square feet and includes the seeds, instructions and flower descriptions. Everything you need to make your garden, but now you just need a plan.
Let's grab a cup of coffee or tea (hey! we included honey in our box how convenient) and sit down and enjoy some me time, what we want for you each box! You may want some paper and pen to make some notes so you don't forget when making your plans.
1. First step is to actually decide where you may want to plant your garden. Do you have a space that has been needing some attention? Maybe a new spot you have been thinking about for awhile but didn't know what you wanted to do there? Or maybe you have some big planting containers you want to use. Whatever you decide, make sure it's a spot that gets lots of good sun.
2. Once you decide where then you need to prepare your site. If it's existing it will need some cleanup of old material, weeds and mulch. If it's new you will need to prepare the area by removing sod. It's best to always add in some fresh compost or fertilizer material into your soil for best results. You just need to till it into your soil.
3. When you area is all prepared you can then plant your seeds, cover with a bit of dirt and water. In a few weeks you should see them starting to germinate. Keep an eye on the weeds to keep them at bay and give your young sprouts a good chance to survive and not get choked out. If you want some more in depth info on planting your garden check out this website for more detailed instructions.
The key here is to not overthink it and just have fun with the whole process. When you put in the work to plan it, create it, and take care of it, once you see the end result you will feel so fulfilled and have something beautiful to look at. What is more perfect to recharge or enjoy some alone time than planning and making your garden. We speak the introvert language! If you are interested in more of what we do here at Simple Joy Box, visit our website!
We would love to hear about your new garden experiences!